How practicing tempo bump sets can make you an overall better bump setter

Sid Konkimalla
Nov 8, 2024

Bump setting is one of those finicky skills that come and go, and even at the highest level, it is difficult to consistently give your partner a great set using your platform. One thing to note at the highest level, is that during trouble plays when a player is making an athletic and impulsive bump set, they usually end up giving their partners a great set. However, during a slightly less challenging play, that allows players more time to become less impulsive, the bump sets aren’t always of the highest quality. 

Recreating the motion your platform goes through to make fluid contact with the ball is the best thing you can do, and by practicing tempo bump sets, you will develop that motion repetition and your muscles will commit that to memory.

written by
Sid Konkimalla
Volleyball coach, player, & mentor.